Important Things about Voting
Updated 3/7/15
CNA is up to it’s usual deceptive behavior. Let’s look at the latest. As we learn about new tactics CNA supporters are using we will add them to this post. The most recent will be at the top.
CNA: You can contact the National Labor Relations Board and register to get a mail in ballot.
iStand: Not true. Another deceptive piece of misinformation designed to steal away votes against the CNA. You must vote in person.
CNA: PFCs can’t vote.
iStand: CNA tried to exclude PFCs as well as Care Coordinators, CNSs, Educators, Cancer Center RNs, Navigators and others. The National Labor Relations Board disagreed with them on every single job category. We can all vote.
CNA: “If you want to vote no, that’s ok. Just please write the reason on the card.”
iStand: No! The voting card will be very simple. It will say “Do you wish to be represented by the union?” Yes No If you write anything else on the card your vote makes it invalid, which means your card is thrown away, and that means YOUR vote doesn’t get counted. Do NOT mark anything on the card except as directed on the card.
CNA: “If you don’t want the union, you don’t need to vote.”
iStand: Please, everyone, vote. Please vote. It is so important that you vote if you do not want the union. If you live far away, and are not working that day and would like to carpool please let us know. We will find away to get you in to vote. Email us at
Do you know that if you if there are 1200 eligible voters, and 800 vote, and 401 vote for the union, we get the union. This means the union only got ⅓ of the possible votes but they win the election and we all pay dues.
And like Councilman Victor Gordo, treasurer and secretary for Local 777 Plumbers and Pipefitters Union said “raise your hand if that sounds like a good idea.” What? Nobody is raising their hands? Smart people.