We can do this- Vote your conscience.

Friday, CNA supporting RNs announced they had turned the signature cards in to the NLRB and an election will be scheduled soon. In a way this is a relief. CNA has done nothing but disrupt and divide our staff- RNs openly recruiting and talking to CNA reps in nursing care areas while they are on shift, complaining about those of us who chose to oppose them, and so on. I can’t wait for a vote. It’s a chance to tell them that WE DON”T NEED A UNION TO EFFECT CHANGE! 

This is Important:

EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE. And while my preference is VOTE NO, you need to vote for what you want. You can be sure that every single person who supports the union will vote. It therefore really important that every single person who does not want a union votes too. Those of us who do not want a union are the quiet majority. But if some of us choose not to vote, we will get a union. Everyone NEEDS TO VOTE.

Several RNs have shared that they signed a card even though they don’t really want a union. What?

It turns out CNA supporters said this: “Just sign the card so it can come to a vote, but if you aren’t sure, you don’t have to vote, even if you think you don’t want a union, you don’t have to vote.” We can be sure they are going to pull out this sort of tactic in the coming weeks as they try to garner support for a union at Huntington. EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE.

Most of the things they say they want are things already happening. We don’t need a union to get them. Please- don’t fall for their shifty, misleading tactics. No hospital is perfect. But if you mostly like where you work, then please- vote NO.

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